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Clinic Services

At Clondalkin Family Practice, we provide a wide range of services in addition to the routine GP services, some of which are listed below.  Please contact reception for more information, especially if there is something specific you require.

Family Planning services including Implanon (the bar) - now free of charge for women aged 17-34 (until 35th birthday)


STI Screening


Menopause Consultation


Crisis Pregnancy Management


Well Woman and Well Man checks


Health Screening


Pregnancy Test and Antenatal Care


Cervical Smears




24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring


Joint Injections


Chronic Disease Management (eg. Diabetes, Asthma, COPD etc)


Weight Management


Insurance Medical Examinations


Flu and Pneumococcal Vaccinations


Occupational Health Advice


Childhood Immunisations


Ear Syringing


Driver's Licence Reports


Blood Tests


Routine care is provided free of charge for patients who hold a current medical card but some services are not covered.  Patients without a valid medical card / Under 6 card will be charged the full private fee. 


All fees must be settled in full in advance of the consultation / completion of medical report / forms.  Cash / Credit Card / Debit Card accepted. 


Please enquire at reception prior to submitting a form for completion and staff will inform you of the likely fee.



Basic Consultation - €65


Adult and Child (>6 years of age) - €90


Telephone Consultation (Single Issue / max 3 month prescription) - €50


Extended Consultation  (>20 mins) - €90

- Our standard consultations are 15 minutes in duration.  If you have more than 3 issues to discuss or would like to discuss a complex issue such as a psychological issue that may take more time, an initial menopause consultation etc, please request an Extended Consultation so that we can ensure we have sufficient time with you.


Review Consultation - €40

- Follow up of same clinical issue within 14 days


Student Consultation (With Valid ID card) - €50


Driving Licence Medical and Eyesight Exam (not covered on medical card) - €65


Nurse Consultation - €40

- Eg. Dressing changes, administration of private / travel vaccines



Contraception / Women's Health

As of July 2024, contraceptive care is free of charge for all patients aged between 17-34 (up until 35th birthday) with a valid PPS number.  This includes appointments to discuss your options, prescribing of the pill / patch / Nuvaring etc, administration of the Depo Provera (injection) and insertion and removal of Implanon ("the bar") or IUD ("the coil").  


The medication will also be free of charge at your pharmacy (with valid PPS).  Charges (as follows) still apply to those aged 35 years of age or over who do not have a medical card.


Administration of Depo Injection (by nurse) every 3 months - €50


Insertion of Implanon (following initial standard consultation) - €120


Removal of Implanon - €120


Removal and Reinsertion of new Implanon on same day - €160


Insertion of Intra-Uterine Device "Coil" (following initial standard consultation) - €200


Replacement of Intra-Uterine Device (following initial standard consultation) - €220


Removal of Intra-Uterine Device - €80


Cervical Smear (through Cervical Check, aged 25-65) - €0


Antenatal / Postnatal Care (6-7 visits and 2 postnatal visits funded by HSE) - €0

- Please note that medical issues not related to pregnancy are not covered by HSE

scheme and a standard consultation fee will apply

Procedures / Investigations

Consultation with Joint Injection - €110


Injection (eg B12) - €20

- Not covered by Medical Card - free through Public Health Nurse


Blood Tests - €30

- Certain blood tests as part of the Chronic Disease Programme are free


Bloods Tests Requested by Private Consultant - €60


Ear Syringing (Must use drops for 1 week before assessment) - €80


Ear Syringing (Medical Card Patient) - €40


Chickenpox (Varicella) vaccination administration medical card patient - €30

- Vaccine to be purchased privately in pharmacy and collected on day of vaccination


Cryotherapy (First Visit) - €70

Cryotherapy (Follow up consultation) - €30


24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM) - €80

(The Gold Standard for Diagnosing High Blood Pressure)


Consultation and ABPM - €120


Administration / Forms

Simple Form to Be Stamped / Minimum Charge - €20


Initial Sick Certificate (Included Private Consultation Fee) - €0

- Please note that a standard consultation is required to issue a sick cert


Initial Sick Certificate (Medical Card Patient) - €30


Follow up Sickness Certification (max 2 weeks duration) - €20


Passport Form - €30


AMI 1A form (applying for GMS card on medical grounds) - €30


Maternity Letter for Work (confirming due date etc) - €30


Enduring Power of Attorney Assessment and Form - €100


Testamentary Capacity Assessment and Form - €100


Insurance Medical Reports (Please Enquire) - Starting at €200


Medicolegal Report - Starting from €500

- Please note that consultations directly related to medicolegal proceedings

are not covered by the Medical Card and will be charged at a standard rate.  

Receipts will be issued which can be submitted to your solicitor.


©2022 by Clondalkin Family Practice                                                                                        Boot Rd Primary Care Centre

Phone - 01 912 5290                                                                                                                    Boot Rd


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