New Patient Registration - currently on hold until March while we work through recent applications
The link below outlines the many choices now available to women. Dr Kevin O'Brien manages Implanon insertions and removals. Click on the link below for information sheets on each of the options.
Many women have now made the safe and effective transition to taking their birth control pill continuously rather than taking a break each month. Click on the link below to learn more.
For some women, breastfeeding is painless, straightforward and easy but many run into problems in the early days and weeks in particular. Please contact one of the doctors or practice nurses if this is the case and we can link you in with local supports. Kellymom is a great site with the answer to any breastfeeding query no matter how obscure and the HSE also has a comprehensive site with lots of valuable resources.
Mental Health
Many people now explore online resources while addressing their mental health challenges. Â This can be a cheaper and more faster way to get started on improving your mental health. Â There is significant value in seeing a counsellor face to face but in the meantime, these resources may be of help.
Unlockfood is a Dieticians of Canada site. Range of articles about nutrition including menu planning for diabetes, weight management, nutrition for kids etc.
​ has a great calcium calculator. Adequate calcium is obviously very important for bone health and supplements can sometimes be avoided if patients can ensure they get get an adequate calcium intake in their diet. Calculate your daily calcium intake below.
End of Life Care
The Irish Hospice Foundation has a comprehensive site with sections on bereavement including a support line, grief and children, grief in the context of COVID and much more.
There is also a section on their Think Ahead advance planning campaign which encourages us all to speak to our relatives about what types of care we would like were we to become seriously unwell. A pack can be ordered online that talks you through the process and includes a form that can be filled out with your particular wishes.
Quitting Smoking
​There are many quitting resources out there and the more supports you have the better your chances are of quitting. Speak to one of the doctors about the three main choices for medications - nicotine replacement therapy, Champic and Zyban. The following benefits are only a brief summary of how your health improves with out tobacco. See the sites below for resources, quit packs, lice chat and a helpline.
After 20 minutes: your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal. Circulation improves in hands and feet.
After 8 hours: oxygen levels in the blood return to normal and your chance of heart attack starts to fall.
After 24 hours: The lungs start to clear out mucous and other debris.
After 48 hours: nicotine is no longer detectable in the body. Taste and smell improve.
After 72 hours: breathing becomes easier as the bronchial tubes relax and energy levels increase.
After 2 weeks: circulation improves, making walking and exercise easier.
After 3 to 9 months: coughing, shortness of breath and wheezing are reduced dramatically.
After 5 years: risk of heart attack falls to that of a non-smoker.
After 10 years: risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker.